2月28日,华为公司在美国多家主流报纸整版向全体美媒发出公开信。华为发言人切斯·斯金纳 (chase skinner) 表示,公开信刊登在《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《政客》、《今日美国》和《洛杉矶时报》上。此外,华为官网也刊登了此信。
我是Catherine Chen(陈黎芳),华为公司董事,现在负责公共及政府事务。
不要听什么信什么。过来看看吧。(Don't believe everything you hear. Come and see us.)我们非常期待您的到访。
An open letter to the US media
Don’t believe everything you hear. Come and see us.
I am Catherine Chen, a Director of the Board at Huawei. I’m in charge of public and government affairs.
The US is a shining example of how to inspire passion for technological innovation and development. We too have been inspired by your history of creativity and hard work.
I am writing to you in the hopes that we can come to understand each other better. In recent years, the US government has developed some misunderstandings about us. We would like to draw your attention to the facts.
We operate in more than 170 countries and regions, including countries like the UK, Germany, and France. We provide innovative and secure telecoms network equipment and smartphones to more than three billion people around the world.
Huawei was founded over 30 years ago, and we are proud of our people’s willingness to work in the world’s most difficult and dangerous regions.We have put our hearts and souls into connecting the unconnected and bridging the digital divide in underserved locations around the world – places where many other companies aren’t willing to go.
We build base stations in the harshest environments, like the Arctic Circle, the Sahara, rainforests in South America, and even on Mount Everest. In the wake of disasters like the tsunami in Indonesia, the nuclear disaster in Japan, and the massive earthquake in Chile, our employees were some of the first on the ground, working tirelessly to restore communications networks and support disaster relief.
We work with many leading US companies on technology development, business consulting, and procurement. In addition, we support universityresearch programs in the US, helping them make significant progress in communications technologies, which we believe will benefit the whole world.
There are only so many people we can reach out to. On behalf of Huawei,I would like to invite members of the US media to visit our campuses and meet our employees. I hope that you can take what you see and hear back to your readers, viewers, and listeners, and share this message with them, to let them know that our doors are always open. We would like the US public to get to know us better, as we will you.
If you would like to visit us, please send an email to corpcomm@huawei.com
Don’t believe everything you hear. Come and see us. We look forward to meeting you.
Catherine Chen
Corporate Senior Vice President
Director of the Board
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.